Friday, January 4, 2013

往事只能回味 =)

第一次出去 coffee island 吃了晚餐
Paradise beach - 曾经是你最爱去的地方,听海
第一次到我家 去吃了肉骨茶 然后车胎爆了 其实那时我第一次帮人换轮胎 可是还算成功
多亏文捷,我们彼此相处的时间多了,上课,吃饭,做功课,熬夜,看鬼戏 =) 
新年前夕,我们吃了晚饭,开始准备到数。说了新年快乐,我抱了你,也多说了一句我爱你,你刮了我一巴掌,问我真的吗,我说真的,然后就这样我们开始了 =)
第二学期的开始,我们也开始同一组做功课,成绩都不错 =)
一天早上下雨了,你的车胎又爆了,我们只好穿着雨衣,在绵绵细雨下,骑着摩托车上学 =) 幸福,因为你一路都抱着我
搬到了 batu lancang 又是人生新的一页 美好的回忆
菜市又很近, 你应该会时常下厨了 =) 终于有机会尝尝你的厨艺
果然,从家里搬来许多烹饪器材,好几天都吃了你煮的东西,幸福开心,虽然有时失败了 =P 
你们有吃过 韩国辛辣 ABC Spaghetti 吗? 我可吃过! =)
突然间,你开始想减肥了,因为很多人说你增肥了 =P 我们开始放学后跑步,还记得小白,一只流浪狗,每次都会陪我们跑几圈 =)
我们也突然爱上了羽球,一星期都会打一次,我们两一组,文捷就每天换组人 =P
一天,你突然说要学骑摩托,我也让你学骑了。第一天,你开心的笑说!很容易,我一天学换一档! 一星期就会了! 果然,你会骑了
你父母会反对你骑摩托,我们想了一个理由,如果世界末日那天,前面只有一条很长的直路,旁边有一辆摩托,你们会要跑还是骑摩托? 哈哈 征服了 =)
第三学期,开始学喝酒了,很担心,因为你很容易醉,我告诉自己,不会让你一个人喝,我会陪你,可是我绝对不喝 =P 好几晚,你醉了,说了许多好笑的话,我放你回宿舍让你睡觉,隔天跟你说你所说的笑话,你终会说 ‘我没说!’ 可爱 
有时晚上,我们都空闲,就会骑着摩托,到 UPR 附近看人妖,顺便兜风,也会时常到旧关直角吃水果,兜到你累了,就自然会想睡觉 =)
Cocktail Presentation, 我们想了一个小插曲戏剧,以便娱乐大家,效果不错 =)
年终考试,我去了你家住一个星期,熬夜烧香,读得有点辛苦,可是拿到成绩时,觉得一切都值得 =)
最后,我最爱的时刻,难免是跟你拥抱的时候,你总会跳上来,把脚勾着我的腰,还问我‘我重吗?’ 可是我从来都没诚实的回答 =P
2013年1月1日, 我们彼此以男女朋友身份的最后一次晚餐,也是我们一周年纪念日 =) 
往事只能回味,回味时,我笑得特别开心,谢谢你,施琪。 我会勇敢地走向我的人生 =)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

People We Meet In Life =)

People changes spontaneously, environment around us changes spontaneously, a lot of things change just without our knowing, in order to fit ourselves in this CRUEL world, we cannot expect the world to become what we wanted it to be, we cannot change the world, we have to change our attitudes toward our life. The life that everyone in this world lives in. I have lived 20 years in this world, before this, i never had any thought on resolution of myself, I am truly satisfied with what I had, what I met and who I am. But the past year which is 2012, cannot be denied that I had a wonderful moment along this year, but things changed at the very last moment, which gave me a big lesson in life. We are all alone in this world, no one can be with us until the very last moment, even our own parents and families, we might be alone, when we are dead, even they have accompanied us for some times. People comes and goes, this should be happened, because we are on the Earth? Think positive! Live positive! =) Everything is not that bad actually!

When someone shows you who they are, you’re supposed to accept it, but sometimes we don’t want to. We want to believe that a person we care for can be better, so we hope that the ugly we saw was just a rare bad moment, and a flash of their unpleasant side. But when one incident turns into two, and two to three, and so on, we’ve got to stop kidding ourselves and accept the facts. It truly sucks when we thought we saw the sparkly glisten of a friendship or relationship, but it was nothing more than fool’s gold.