Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Distance Love Ship

Long Distance Relationship isn’t always ideal. In fact, they’re really tough. You spend countless of hours just talking through a phone or through a screen. You can’t see the person when you want to or when you most need them. You can’t hug, you can’t hold hands, and you can’t kiss. You lose the intimacy in a physical sense. But then, your relationship becomes based on each other and nothing else.
You learn to communicate, because a long-distance relationship without communication is nothing.
You learn to trust, because you can’t always see or know everything the person is doing.
You learn to sacrifice, because someone’s always going to lose a bit of sleep from the time difference.
And lastly, you learn to appreciate.
So often, we take for granted the people and relationships in our lives because we think they’ll always be there.
But when you only have a limited amount of time with a person,
you learn to appreciate and cherish every single moment you have with them.
When you finally see that person after weeks or months of seeing them only through a computer screen,
It is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
When you've waited for something so long and you finally have it, you cherish it. The key to a long-distance relationship is faith.
If both of you are not willing to give up, if both of you are willing to stand up and still try after every time one of you or both of you fall.
“Distance isn't for the fearful, it’s for the bold ".
It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for the little time with the one they love.
It’s for knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough.”

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Story - Her Words

一开始遇见时, 感觉像找到了灵魂的另一半, 童话爱情故事里自己当上了主角。这故事就上演了一年, 谁还记得是谁先说永远的爱我? 因为过了太久我们都不记得当初曾经让我为你融化的那些温柔。童话故事来到了边缘, 公主都走了, 他是否该划下句点。如果一个能够爱上你的一切, 却在最后嫌弃你的一切, 那就让他走吧。因为此人肯定不懂珍惜, 不管谁来到他的生命里, 他会豁出生命爱个死去和来, 在他习惯了别人令人可爱的优点之后, 又将他抛弃了。被抛弃的人请你别灰心, 不是你不够好, 不是你成不了他的茶, 是他喝不起你这杯茶, 是他不懂你苦中带甘的特色。总会有一天, 会有那么一个品茶人来到你面前, 不需要山盟海誓, 不需要你淘金献宝, 他会与你过一生。是你的, 怎么拆都拆不掉; 不是你的, 怎么留都留不住。爸爸说过一句名言: 爱情真的不需要轰轰烈烈的。

By: KANGKUNG YIYING EVELYN, a friend that I will thank God for arranging our meeting in life.