Monday, November 4, 2013

燕之情 (十三)

十月十八日 2013 星期五

Event day International Day. Slept for two hours. Met at school at 7am. We moved stuff with trolley. FUN! You started to get stress with your baba nyonya costume which u looked so nice on it! I tried to help as much as I can, don’t want you too tired because I know you are tired. The first time, I took pic with you which only two of us! Wish to get copies of those pictures! Meaningful day for me. DONE! We moved tables together, contrast when I know u can’t walk fast with your costume but others don’t know. DONE! I jio you out for dinner after shower u said think first then let me know. 到家冲凉,然后出来吃晚餐!I saw this text when I get home. I was so happy!! We went to KUTA BALI eat some 清淡 stuff LOL.. After that looked for tang yuan again and there is nothing!! You said you would like to sleep in the car while it’s raining, I said you sleep la I will drive until 12am then send you back. You did fall asleep and I was so happy to see u sleeping in my car although u might feel ‘ANE PUN HAPPY?!’ haha! I tried not to turn sharp or hit any holes to prevent u from getting awake, u woke up after 45 minutes and we were at BATU FERRINGHI! I stopped at national park and I started to get sleepy. Accidentally, we fell asleep together with our heads touching each other’s head, we got up and it is 12.50am!! I was so shocked bcoz I scared u will get scold bcoz of any curfew. I drove to yr house and u slept again along the way.. U are so sleepy huh?! LOL I was so she bu de to wake u up when I arrived at yr house, but I have to bcoz its late already. I drove back and halfway u missed call me, I called back n u said u wanna talk to prevent me from falling asleep! SWEET! But the one who fell asleep was not me who was driving but you!! HAHHA! I listened to yr breathe while driving then I got home. <3 LOVE..

Sunday, November 3, 2013

燕之情 (十二)

十月十五日 2013 星期二


Early in the morning fetch you at 11.30 to go Queensbay to meet Lyvia, and we change to eat pan mee first because Lyvia will be late. I ordered the wrong mee for you. But u still say sedap although I know u want dry eh. The next time I will order the right one, SORRY!

Then we shopped and go to Lyvia house to do work. Spent the whole noon there, work and watch tv. After work we had dinner Western Food and I fetch you home.

Before home, we went for dessert and u really eat a lot. Mat Dou Yao.. You ate two bowls! HAHA! <3

本来 计划是要看电影 可使人算不如天算 计划泡汤 不过至少 今天我们也是在一起 只是做的东西不同 没关系 重要的是能够在你身边

燕之情 (十一)

十月十四日 2013 星期一

一如往常 运动日 运动后 吃晚餐 突然间 听见他的车声 你就EMO 了起来 不说话了

看见你这样 心里好难受 希望能够做些什么的 可是就是什么都不能做 只能陪着你

不回家了 陪你 带你到海边 突然下起了大雨 不能下车 车上你大哭了 给了你拥抱 第一个

回家前 去吃了冰淇淋  

希望你会好一些 能做到的就只有这些 <3

燕之情 (十)

十月十三日 2013 星期日

傍晚 我们讲电话 三小时啊! 破纪录啦!

KAKAO TALK 谢谢发明你的人 让我们有了美好的回忆

燕之情 (九)

十月十二日 2013 星期六

活动日 筹备了许久的晚宴 就在今晚

早安 到学校 你也早来 因为你有课 午餐 到了古早味 吃了卤肉饭 最爱 HONEY LEMON GREEN TEA

整个下午到傍晚都忙了 突然 电话响了 你说利维亚约你去她家做东西 然后我载你回!太乐意了 让我对那晚 充满了 喜悦 多迟都没关系

晚宴完了 第一时间 回家冲凉 换衣 就到她家了 见到你 好高兴啊 可是你脸上明显是累了

直到凌晨一点 我们才回 回家前 到了 KAYU 吃宵夜 ROTI CANAI

车上 kuji lai kuji qu 抓太紧 太用力 你的手 瘀青了 我真的很内疚啊

你还必须说谎 说你跌倒了 哈哈 对不起哦

一个愉快的夜晚 迟睡都值得

燕之情 (八)

十月十一日 2013 星期五

记得星期二 你说学校附近有个果条汤很好吃

今天 逃了一小时的课 载你去吃了 果条早餐 还说好了穿一样的衣服

吃饱了 到学校上课 我上课 你必须准备活动的东西

晚上 为利维亚准备了一个生日惊喜 筹备了许久 去拿特地订做的生日蛋糕 就我们俩 拿了蛋糕 就到 红盒 去唱歌 先到 先吃了 因为太饿了 觉得你很可爱 吃很多啊你! 哈哈

生日惊喜 她很高兴 你也很高兴 这也是那件事后 我第一次出现在你的面子书的照片

唱完了 还不想回家 绕路到了旧关直角 买了水果 到海边去 听海 谈心 放松心情


燕之情 (七)

十月八日 2013 星期二

星期二 十一点上课 你九点上课 八点就必须到学校了 因为跟别人的车

八点钟 你到学校来 载我出去去吃了早餐 其实你都不吃 只是在看我吃 不过 超开心的 虽然只是一顿早餐


简单的早餐 简单的幸福